juankarlos.open...@gmail.com (Juan Pereira) writes:
> Quite interesting! The main reason why we thought using a table per
> truck was because concurrent load: if there are 100 trucks trying to
> write in the same table, maybe the performance is worse than having
> 100 tables, due to the fact that the table is blocked for other
> queries while the writing process is running, isn't it?

You're assuming something that is distinctly Not True of PostgreSQL.
You do NOT require an exclusive lock on a table in order to write to

For writes to tables to acquire an exclusive lock on the table happens
to be a specific feature of the MySQL(tm) storage engine called
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="linuxdatabases.info" in name ^ "@" ^ tld;;
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine. 

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