On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 11:27 PM, Scott Marlowe <scott.marl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hard to say with what you've told us so far.

what more should I post/need? I was suspecting that as well as I've
never had postgres be silent and not work -- I've also never let a db
fill its disk and get f'ed like this. should I just let the pg_ctl
start run it's course? for a 35GB+ database how long should I wait? is
there no way to log the status of what the postgres daemon is actually
doing while I wait? what's the standard course of action for a
postgres instance that filled its disk and shut itself down -- if
there is one?

apologies for the admittedly amateur questions but I haven't been able
to find much for the situation I'm in.


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