Nagalingam, Karthikeyan <> wrote:
we are in the process of finding the best solution for Postgresql
deployment with storage controller. I have some query, Please give
some suggestion for the below
Doesn't Network Appliance have anyone who could help you with this?
This is the third time you've asked a set of incredibly broad general
questions of this list, that level of information shopping would perhaps
be best answered by a consulting service you would hire to do the task.
An email list is more useful for answering specific questions, but can't
really offer such broad advice given so little information.
"storage controller' could mean anything from a simple SATA port on a
desktop PC, to a EMC Symmetrix SAN, but we can guess based on your email
address, you're specifically interested in NAS storage like Network
Appliance Filers.
"Customer Deployment Scenarios" ?!?
1) Install postgres.
2) Create database schema.
3) Deploy application(s).
Protocol? I'd venture a guess that the vast majority of postgres
installations have direct attached JBOD or simple raid storage.
What kind of application? Any application requiring a relational
database, ranging from web applications to accounting systems to
manufacturing execution systems.
I don't even know what to make of your questions 4 and 5.
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