> Josh Trutwin <j...@trutwins.homeip.net> writes:
>> Hi - I'm trying to build 8.3.6 on a box recently upgraded from Sarge
>> to Lenny and I get the following error during compile:
>> make[4]: Entering directory
>> `/backup/source/db/postgresql-8.3.6/src/backend/utils/adt' gcc -O2
>> -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline
>> -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wendif-labels -fno-strict-aliasing
>> -fwrapv -I../../../../src/include -D_GNU_SOURCE  -I/usr/local/lib  -c
>> -o geo_ops.o geo_ops.c /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.3.2/cc1: symbol
>> lookup error: /usr/lib/libmpfr.so.1: undefined symbol:
>> __gmp_get_memory_functions
> [ blink... ]  There's no reason for a compile to be looking into shared
> libraries.  What I think must have happened here is that this reflects a
> bogus function call internally in gcc itself.  Which probably means that
> you have a gcc version that's out-of-sync with your libmpfr.so.1 version
> (whatever the heck that is).  I'd suggest asking around among some
> Debian experts, or just reinstalling instead of upgrading.
>                       regards, tom lane
> --
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Lenny has  8.3.6   why don't just  apt-get install postgresql ???


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