Stéphane A. Schildknecht wrote:
> Trying to identify last modified (updated or inserted) rows in a table, I
> thought I could use xmin.
> I tried is to get some lines sorted by xmin.
> When doing it on a slonified database, I had no problem getting these lines.
> But, trying the same query on a non slonified DB, I got an error, as there is
> no ordering operator for xid.
> I think that in the slon case, the query uses the implicit cast xid->xxid, and
> then the operator to sort xxid.
> What would be the best way to get last modified rows?
> What I tried :
> db=# select id_table, date_table, code_table from tb_table order by xmin desc 
> limit 10;
> ERROR:  could not identify an ordering operator for type xid
> ASTUCE : Use an explicit ordering operator or modify the query.

What about:

test=> SELECT xmin, * FROM mausi ORDER BY xmin::text::bigint;
 xmin  | id |      val       
 14005 |  1 | test\test/test
 14040 |  3 | mamma
(2 rows)

Laurenz Albe

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