So I have a 'accounts' table, with id and name, and than some hypothetical 'packages' table, containing some info per customer.
I need to retrive distinct pairs , of random packages assigned per customer. Packages table contains 10 packages, id:=[1:10], there's 1M customers for testing purposes. I could name the tables foo/bar again, but decided for something more creative this time ;) Anyways, I have this query: select count(distinct (v,id)) from ( select, v[i] from ( SELECT, ARRAY ( SELECT id FROM packages where>0 and id between 2 and 6 ORDER BY random() limit 5 ) as v FROM ( SELECT id FROM accounts ORDER BY random() limit 100000 ) ss ) heh,generate_series(1, 5 ) i order by,v ) ziew; So in theory, that should return me random array of packages, per account. Since id's in both tables are primary keys, I expect the pair of accountId/packageId to be unique as well. The query above doesn't deliver, so I tried to divide it up: create view hehview as SELECT, ARRAY ( SELECT id FROM packages where>0 and id between 2 and 6 ORDER BY random() limit 5 ) as v FROM ( SELECT id FROM accounts ORDER BY random() limit 100000 ) ss select count( distinct (id, v[i])) from hehview, generate_series(1, 5) i; That doesn't work either, because postgresql 'merges' view into query (which is a good way to chop large queries btw, and still keep them up to speed). But if I store intermediate result in temporary table, all values are nicely unique - as I want them. Now, that's the solution I will use. But for sake of my conciousness, I want to know what has failed here. Btw, the count(distinct(x,y)) works that way only on 8.4, but I tested it on 8.3, and I get same results. with temp table: create temp table hehtable as select * from hehview; select count( distinct (id, v[i])) from hehtable, generate_series(1, 5) i; Thanks folks. -- GJ -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription: