Hello Abdul,

I also think you could start Bristlecone under Windows since it is Java
based (but never tested it).
On the page I sent to you, there's a link for downloading bristlecone.
Just scroll down and you'll find a section "downloads", or use this one:


Abdul Rahman schrieb:
> Thanks Huxton & Gerd;
> I think pgbench is not suitable for those who want to test application on 
> desired tables. pgbench is highly hard coded and tests only self generated 
> tables. I used Mercury LoadRunner but it is not freeware. The link 
> http://bristlecone.continuent.org/HomePage only has details about this 
> software but not the download link. Secondly it is for Unix not for Windows. 
> And I found AppLoader freeware but it does not include PostgreSQL in its 
> database list. My research is ongoiung and will prompt you as I get something 
> fruitful and expecting the same from you.
> Regards,
> Abdul Rehman.
> ________________________________
> From: Richard Huxton <d...@archonet.com>
> To: Abdul Rahman <abr_...@yahoo.com>
> Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org; ashis...@synechron.com
> Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 2:13:27 PM
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Download link for 'Bristlecone'
> Abdul Rahman wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I searched a lot but failed to find any download link for Bristlecone. 
>> Kindly help me. Or let me know about any open source Load Tester for 
>> PostgreSQL based application.
>> Ashish, according to my search Bristlecone is open source. Thanks in 
>> advance. 
> Sorry - never heard of Bristlecone.
> You might want to start with "pgbench" which is in the contrib/
> directory of the source distribution:
>   http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/pgbench.html
> Make sure you read the manual page above, and also search the
> mailing-list archives for tips on how to get useful information from it.
> You might also be interested in the sourceforge DBT project
>   http://sourceforge.net/projects/osdldbt/
> Read this msg first though, there is more up-to-date code available than
> the sf.net download page.
>   http://archives.postgresql.org/pdxpug/2008-12/msg00010.php
> Really though, unless you're doing this as part of an academic paper
> you'll want to write your own test cases. It doesn't matter whether
> PostgreSQL is fast or slow on the tests above, what matters is how it
> performs *for your purposes*. The only way to test that is to generate
> the sort of data and workload that you plan to have.
> Oh, and it's very easy to end up with data that tells you nothing
> useful. Make sure your tests are long enough, and that they're not too
> sensitive to minor changes in configuration or load.

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