On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 16:09, John R Pierce <pie...@hogranch.com> wrote:
> Clemens Schwaighofer wrote:
>> The other problem is, that there is no "grant all on table db.* ..." but
>> I have to do that for each table seperate, or in a "grant all on table
>> a, b, ...".
>> I am not sure if there is an easier way, except perhaps through a select
>> from the pg_ catalog for this db and get the table names there ...
> I believe there are some scripts that can help..
> http://pgedit.com/public/sql/acl_admin/index.html
> http://unf.be/postgresql/postgres_grant_all.perl
> http://www.archonet.com/pgdocs/grant-all.html

Thanks a lot.

> one or more of those URLs may help.   FYI, I got these from the infobot on
> the freenode #PostgreSQL IRC channel

Time to start up another IRC connection.

[ Clemens Schwaighofer                      -----=====:::::~ ]
[ IT Engineer/Manager                                        ]
[ E-Graphics Communications, TEQUILA\ Japan IT Group         ]
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