Ivan Sergio Borgonovo wrote:
On Sat, 7 Feb 2009 01:43:10 +0100
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo <m...@webthatworks.it> wrote:

I need to build up a minimal e-commerce website on a host that is
already running postgresql.

Requirement is minimal. Usual configurable pretty standard
couple of paying/shipping system and popular enough to find
cheap/free skins and very basic cms feature to display no more than
4-5 pages.

This has to be a quick and dirty job and the actual requirement are
just the above.

After googling and downloading some of the most popular open source
ecommerce software I didn't find any that works out of the box with
Theoretically since drupal support postgresql ecommerce and ubercart
modules, they should support postgresql too. But that's just theory,
reality is different.

BTW I just put a B2B ecommerce engine in production that use drupal
as the output layer and strictly PostgreSQL for all the business
When I had to choose the DB... PostgreSQL really seemed the best
candidate (maybe the only in the open source world).
I consider ecommerce more similar to accounting than cms, and in fact
among accounting programs Postgresql is much more popular.

That's why I'm pretty surprised I couldn't find any open source
product that could run out of the box.

I'm so surprised I'm thinking I didn't do well my homework and I'm
still here to ask if anyone know any open source ecommerce software
that run on PostgreSQL out of the box.

may be too heavy, but Apache OFBiz quotes support for PostgreSQL http://ofbiz.apache.org/

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