On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 08:37:02PM +0100, durumdara wrote:
> This website will supports up to 200 corporations.
> The functions are similar, but because of many differents of these corps 
> (datas to keep, way to working them), we wanna make many databases (one 
> DB for one corp).

Databases or schemas? they are different in PG and they have very
different behaviors which suit different use cases.

> The site uses one main database that handle all public, and shared 
> services, and store the links to subdatabases.

Sounds like you want to use schemas.

> The main viewpoints:
>  - quick (re)connect - because mod_python basically not store the 
> database connections persistently

?? mod_python can be used to do persistent connections as well as
connection pooling.

>  - fast queries

They're as fast as you write them! PG generally does better with higher
concurrent loads than MySQL (never used DBISAM or FireBird).

>  - the db server can handle many databases (webdb_nnn where nnn is an 
> integer)

There's a summary of limits in the about page:


>  - I can add/modify a table, or a field to a table without "full lock" 
> on the table (like DBISAM restructure). Like in FireBird, where the "add 
> field" change only the table description. I don't know that PG supports 
> this way of the DB modifying.

Yes; have a read about MVCC:


>  - Quick and easy backup/restore system

pg_dump works well, how quick it is depends on the amount of data you
have obviously

> Another important thing that I don't understand (what as I saw) that the 
> PostGreSQL is store the databases in one, unseparatable file set, in a 
> directory named data.
> In another databases, like DBISAM, FireBird, MySQL, the databases are 
> separated to another directories/files.

PG's scheme works well; one file per table doesn't work very well in
practice. there will always be links between tables (foreign keys being
the obvious one) and hence selectively restoring individual tables on a
file by file basis seems like an *amazing* way of killing your database.

> This "one datadir" is seems to be not too good for us. We used DBISAM in 
> our clients, and many times when we got some filesystem error, we can 
> simply recover the tables - from the files.

Use a proper backup system that takes consistent snapshots of your data,
anything else will come back and bite you when you really don't want it

> I very fear from to keep all databases in one place, because if they are 
> corrupted, possible more of them injured (if they are not separated).
> I cannot make filesystem based (hard) copy from one db (only SQL dump 
> enabled).

There are much better tools available to solve things than treating
tables as files!  As far as backups go, there are several options
of varying complexity and resilience. pg_dump is simple, you can do
filesystem level backups with a bit of fiddling, you can keep another
database fed with data from the main one with varying levels of lag.


  Sam  http://samason.me.uk/

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