Just a quick q. Does anyone know what effects FreeBSD's 'softupdates' would have on the /usr/local/pgsql/data filesystem. Would this help performance, or would it be a shot in the foot?? -- Dale Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Independent Computer Retailers (ICR) http://www.icr.com.au ICRnet http://www.icr.net.au
- Re: [GENERAL] FreeBSD Softupdates?? Dale Walker
- Re: [GENERAL] FreeBSD Softupdates?? Alfred Perlstein
- Re: [GENERAL] FreeBSD Softupdates?? Neil Conway
- Re: [GENERAL] FreeBSD Softupdates?? Larry Rosenman
- Re: [GENERAL] FreeBSD Softupdates?? Bruce Momjian
- Re: [GENERAL] FreeBSD Softupdates?? Dale Walker
- Re: [GENERAL] FreeBSD Softupdates?? Bruce Momjian
- Re: [GENERAL] FreeBSD Softupdates?? Alfred Perlstein