"Raymond O'Donnell" <r...@iol.ie> writes:
> On 28/01/2009 17:09, David Miller wrote:
>> Pg Dump does not include schema name on insert statement generated
>> from pg_dump with a -d option when exporting data for a particular
>> table using the -t <schema>.<table> in version 8.3. I believe this
>> same bug exists in 8.4 but have not confirmed it. I believe pg_dump
>> should have an option to retain schema information.

> From memory, I think it does include a "set search_path" statement near
> the beginning.

Quite.  There is no bug here unless loading the dump file puts something
in the wrong schema.  (Suppressing the schema name where possible is in
fact considered a feature not a bug, since it makes it simpler to
hand-edit the dump file at need.)

                        regards, tom lane

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