I have a row search function, smth like

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_func.search_users
(i_city_id int, i_edu_id int, i_first_name text, i_last_name text,
limit_ int, offset_ int) RETURNS SETOF user.user AS $$
..... SELECT * FROM user WHERE
     city_id = i_city_id
$$ language plpgsql;

How do I write a function without complex logic, which will do:
a) If the input argument is NULL, then the corresponding select statement will change from

column = arg
column IS NULL

maybe there is some built-in function for that?

b) If the input argument is NULL, then the corresponding select statement will be removed, so if it was not written.

I think, this is a common problem.

Thanks in advance and regards,
Igor Katson.

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