Read this tutorial it has got everyting you need to know about psql.
Document herewith attached

On Sat, 23 Sep 2000, Chris wrote:
> Greetings,
>       When ever a normal user (anyaccount besides "postgres") tries to
> run psql they get the following message:
> Connection to database 'dank' failed.
> FATAL 1:  SetUserId: user "chrisp" is not in "pg_shadow"
> How do i fix this?
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{\info{\title}{\author dannyh}{\doccomm Created by ApplixWare Release 4.42 (build 1021.522) #17  RTF Export Filter}}
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\par  I like the way PostgreSQL works.  It creates a special user for you, pgsql.  This user does all the work.  The database run as this user, and all work
\par  (database creation, adding users, etc) is done as this user.
\par  The first step is to add myself as a user, so I don't have to do all my work as pgql.  Here's how I added myself as a user.  I typed the bits in bold.
\par         $ su -l
\par         Password:
\par         [root@set:~] # su pgsql
\par         $ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/createuser dan
\par         Shall the new user be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y
\par         Shall the new user be allowed to create more new users? (y/n) y
\par         CREATE USER
\par  Done.  Now that I've added myself as a user who can create databases, I can use my normal login.
\par  Adding a database
\par  Now I dropped back to my usual login and created a database.
\par         $ logout
\par         [root@set:~] # logout
\par         [dan@set:/usr/home/dan] $ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/createdb mydb
\par         CREATE DATABASE
\par  Done.
\par  Creating a user for this database
\par  Now I dropped back to my usual login and created a database.
\par         $ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql mydb
\par         Welcome to psql, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
\par         Type:  \\copyright for distribution terms
\par                \\h for help with SQL commands
\par                \\? for help on internal slash commands
\par                \\g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
\par                \\q to quit
\par         mydb=# 
\par  Now I'll create a user, tester,  for this database.
\par         mydb=# create user tester with password 'mypassword';
\par         CREATE USER
\par  Creating a table
\par  I created a rather simple table for my testing.
\par         mydb=# create table test (id serial, name varchar(10));
\par         NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence 'test_id_seq' 
\par                                               for SERIAL column ''
\par         NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE/UNIQUE will create implicit index 'test_id_key' 
\par                                                              for table 'test'
\par         CREATE
\par  Then I inserted data:
\par         mydb=# insert into test (name) values ('test');
\par         INSERT 18879 1
\par         mydb=# insert into test (name) values ('test2');
\par         INSERT 18880 1
\par  Then I read that data back out:
\par         freshports2=# select * from test;
\par          id | name
\par         ----+-------
\par           1 | test
\par           2 | test2
\par         (2 rows)
\par  Getting php going
\par  I create a simple php test in an existing website.  For help on creating websites, look at Apache - virtual hosts.
\par  I added this to testpsql.php3 in my website.  Note the amended while loop at the end of this section.
\par         <head>
\par         <title>PostgreSQL test</title>
\par         <body>
\par         <?php
\par         $database = pg_connect("dbname=mydb user=test password=mypassword");
\par         if ($database) \{
\par            $result = pg_exec ($database, "select * from test");
\par            if ($result) \{
\par               echo pg_numrows($result) . " rows to fetch\\n";
\par               echo "<table>\\n";
\par               $i = 0;
\par               while ($myrow = pg_fetch_array ($result)) \{
\par                  $i++;
\par                  echo "   <tr><td>" . $myrow["id"] . "</td><td>" . 
\par                                       $myrow["name"] . "</td></tr>\\n";
\par                  if ($i > 10) break;
\par               \}
\par               echo "</table>\\n";
\par            \} else \{
\par               echo "read from test failed";
\par            \}
\par            pg_exec ($database, "end");
\par         \} else \{
\par            echo "no connection";
\par         \}
\par         ?>
\par         </body></html>    
\par  As you can see, I had to manually break the loop.  I have no idea why.  I thought pg_fetch_array would return false at the end of the result set, as
\par  mentioned in the documentation.  But it didn't.  So far, it appears I'll have to use a for  loop for that and not a while.  Any ideas on why 
\par  pg_fetch_array was behaving like that?  It seems to be standard behaviour.
\par  A search at found this example, which I used to create this amended while loop:
\par         for ($i = 0; $i < $NumRows; $i++) \{             
\par            $myrow = pg_fetch_array ($result, $i);       
\par            echo "   <tr><td>" . $myrow["id"] . "</td><td>" . $myrow["name"] . 
\par                                                "</td></tr>\\n";
\par         \}
\par  What's next?
\par  I would like a Windows GUI inteface to PostgreSQL.  Any suggestions?   I found ZEOS, but couldn't get it to connect.  I suspect someone wrong
\par  with my access rights, but I was looking at /usr/local/pgsql/lib/pg_hba.conf.
\par }

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