2009/1/13 Aleksander Kmetec <aleksander.kme...@intera.si>:
> Nykolyn, Andrew wrote:
>> I am trying to upgrade my Postgres server from 8.2.3 to 8.3.5 and 
>> have found that the cast text->integer and integer->text are missing.

>> Is there a reason why they are not there and how can I get them back.

>> I have many stored procedures that rely on those casts
> I'm right in the middle of trying to solve the same problem, myself.
> I started with this link:
> http://code.open-bio.org/svnweb/index.cgi/biosql/revision?rev=284
> But that wasn't enough. In fact, it broke some things that worked 
> before I added the missing implicit casts. Like this, for example:
> select 123::double precision || 'abc';
> ERROR:  operator is not unique: double precision || unknown
> So I also had to define "||(double precision, text)" and "||(text, 
> double precision)" operators. I'm not sure how much additional work 
> might be needed, but here's what I have so far for adding backwards 
> compatility for "double precision" datatype:
> CREATE FUNCTION pg_catalog.text(double precision)
>    LANGUAGE SQL AS 'SELECT textin(float8out($1));';
> CREATE CAST (double precision AS text)
>    WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog.text(double precision) AS IMPLICIT;
> CREATE FUNCTION pg_catalog.compat_textcat(double precision, text)
>    LANGUAGE SQL AS 'SELECT textcat(CAST($1 AS TEXT), $2);';
> CREATE FUNCTION pg_catalog.compat_textcat(text, double precision)
>    LANGUAGE SQL AS 'SELECT textcat($1, CAST($2 AS TEXT));';
> CREATE OPERATOR pg_catalog.|| (
>    PROCEDURE = compat_textcat,
>    LEFTARG = double precision,
>    RIGHTARG = text
> );
> CREATE OPERATOR pg_catalog.|| (
>    PROCEDURE = compat_textcat,
>    LEFTARG = text,
>    RIGHTARG = double precision
> );

The above has all worked great to get me past the two issues described
so far.  Now I am having a problem with: function quote_literal is not
unique.  Is there anything to make that backward compatible?

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