PostgreSQL Version PostgreSQL Release 7.3.19 installed on RHEL4.

" It could simply be  a query(or the OS) running out of memory." I have
checked for the above situation.  It's not the case.

Moreover I have multiple same configuration servers. The same "select * from
table" query runs on a much larger data set but is failing on a specific
server only. I tried to select one particular row that 2 resulted in the
same error. 


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Stefan
Sent: January 08, 2009 3:50 PM
To: Yogvinder Singh
Cc: 'David Fetter';
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] RCA for MemoryContextAlloc: invalid request
size(Known Issue)

Yogvinder Singh wrote:
> What I am looking for is the version in which this problem has been
> resolved.
> I can't find it anywhere in the documentation.

well there was by far not enough information in your original mail(not 
even the exact version you are on) to even verify that this is a data 
corruption issue.

it could simply be  a query(or the OS) running out of memory.
As for what changed in the years since 7.3.0 was released simply read up on:


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