
as the Enterprise DB distribution ("One Click Installer") seems to be the 
recommendation from the Postgres team for a binary download, I wonder what the exact 
difference between Postgres and Postgres Plus is.

I can't find a direct comparison ("feature matrix") of the three EnterpriseDB offerings on their website. When I click on the Postgres Plus documentation, there is a link to an "Oracle Compatibility Guide" which even includes references to the implementation of the CONNECT BY operator and a PL/SQL compatible language.
Does this mean, these features are available in the Postgres Plus package, or 
is it still only available in the Advanced Server?

I also find the Pricing overview page a bit confusing. The "Support Limitations" show 
"Non-Production Applications only" for Postgres and Postgres Plus. I assume this 
limitation only refers to the support subscription but not to the usage of those products, right?


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