On Dec 16, 10:31 am, Ivan Pavlov <ivan.pav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I can't answer your question but I think you may have a serious
> database design issue at hand.
> Why not try to accomplish your goals in a simpler way?
> Regards,
> Ivan Pavlov
> On Dec 15, 12:49 pm, ket...@ketema.net (Ketema Harris) wrote:
> > I am interested in finding out the pros, cons, pitfalls of using the  
> > following design:
> > Manual insert into Table A.
> > Table A has a BEFORE INSERT trigger that causes an insert to table B.
> > Table B has an AFTER INSERT trigger that causes an insert back to  
> > table A (With different criteria not an endless loop)
> > Table A will have its Before Trig fire again and this time the  
> > criteria causes it to finish with a return new.
> > Will the second insert into table A commit before the first insert  
> > into table A?  What order does the insert into table B finish up?
> > Ketema J. Harriswww.ketema.net
> > ket...@ketema.net
> > ketemaj on iChat
> > --
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I am all for simple, but some times there is not a simple answer.
Complex business rules don't always have a simple solution.  And
complex design is not necessarily bad design.  I am tasked with
creating a transaction system that has a lot of things occur
automatically after certain input.  In analyzing the task I saw two
main paths.  Use the trigger and rule system that Pg provides or
construct external methods to control the logic and issue "simple"
commands to insert data when appropriate.  I chose to use the trigger
and rule system because the DB is built for transactional
applications.  Isn't that the point of ACID and atomicity and all
those other buzzwords? I did not want to have to recreate what the
database already can do.  I just want to make sure that my
understanding of what I think is going to happen is on target, and I'm
looking for experience from others, as well as the tests I am
performing.  So far it is working as expected, I'd appreciate any
feedback from anyone who has done something similar to avoid stepping
in the same potholes others may have discovered.


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