On Tue, 19 Sep 2000, Ross J. Reedstrom wrote: > I'd guess that Andreas must have looked at the template1 database with > pgaccess. Yes, this was the reason. > That would create the pga_* tables in there, which would then > propagate to all newly crreated dbs. Pgaccess makes these files behind > the users back. It might be reasonable for it _not_ to create them in > template1, if possible, without prompting the user, at least. I'll ask > Constantin about it. That's a nice idea! This reminds me to a further issue on this topic: By accident I filed a dump not to the intended database, but to template1. This is not hard to do because I wrote a script like #!/bin/sh MYDB=<some_function> cat dumpfile | psql $MYDB unfortunately I hadn't checked whether $MYDB could be "" :-(. So I filled my template1 database with a lot of rubish. Nice exercise to remove this rubish which introduced me a little bit deeper into PostgreSQL internal tables :). Hope that I got rid off all this stuff. So the idea is to make it a little bit harder to put something into template1 or, alternatively serve a method which helps out such kind of situation. .... just an idea ... > The workaround is to go into template1 with psql and drop the pga_* > tables, then never use pgaccess to look in there. Or just to call my script which removes all tables and sequences which are not created by user postgres :). Kind regards Andreas.