On Sunday 30 November 2008 11:18:12 pm Stéphane A. Schildknecht wrote:


> Adrian Klaver a écrit :
> > 
> >
> > When I run this test case I get:
> >
> > test=# -------- 2nd step : Deletion of command 1
> > test=# delete from commande where id=1;
> > ERROR:  update or delete on table "commande" violates foreign key
> > constraint "commandeligne_id_commande_fkey" on table "commandeligne"
> > DETAIL:  Key (id)=(1) is still referenced from table "commandeligne".
> >
> > The FK in  commandeligne (id_commande integer NOT NULL references
> > commande (id))  is preventing the trigger from completing.
> Here, I don't get that error.
> Maybe you could try creating the commandeligne table like that :
> CREATE TABLE commandeligne
> (
>   id_commande integer NOT NULL
>   -- references commande (id)
>   --  on delete cascade on update cascade
>    ,
>    montant real,
>    id_produit integer NOT NULL,
>    CONSTRAINT clef PRIMARY KEY (id_commande, id_produit)
> )with oids;
> I'm running PG 8.3.5 or 8.2.11, result is the same.
> Regards,

It works if you change this to an AFTER DELETE trigger:

DROP TRIGGER  IF EXISTS    p_commande_bd ON commande;
CREATE TRIGGER p_commande_bd before DELETE ON commande FOR Each row EXECUTE
PROCEDURE p_commande_bd();

Use this version

DROP TRIGGER  IF EXISTS    p_commande_bd ON commande;
CREATE TRIGGER p_commande_bd after DELETE ON commande FOR Each row EXECUTE
PROCEDURE p_commande_bd();

The problem as far as I can tell is tuple visibility. By using a BEFORE 
trigger for the first function the OLD.* values are still available when the 
second trigger fires so 
UPDATE commande SET montant=montant-OLD.montant WHERE id = OLD.id_commande;
has values to update in the commande table.

For further clarifciation see:

In particular:
The data change (insertion, update, or deletion) causing the trigger to fire 
is naturally not visible to SQL commands executed in a row-level before 
trigger, because it hasn't happened yet. 
Adrian Klaver

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