Hello everybody.

I am using Postrges 8.3.5, and I am trying to install a bulgarian ISpell dictionary (the OpenOffice one) for Textsearch features.

I converted the dictionary encoding to UTF-8, and I installed it in the "tsearch_data" folder.

But when I try to create the dictionary, I have a syntax error:

TEMPLATE = ispell,
DictFile = bulgarian_utf8,
AffFile = bulgarian_utf8,
StopWords = english
ERREUR: erreur de syntaxe
CONTEXTE : ligne 24 du fichier de configuration « /usr/share/pgsql/tsearch_data/bulgarian_utf8.affix » : « . > А

(it means ERROR: syntax error, CONTEXT: line 24 of configuration file ...)

Extract of the file arount that line:

flag *A:
. > А (this is line 24)
. > АТА
. > И
. > ИТЕ

The file has Unix end_of_lines (I suspected something like that since the "CONTEXT" error line was split on 2 lines).

I'm really lost on how I can go further with the bulgarian dictionary... Could you help me, please?

Thanks for your attention!
Daniel Chiaramello

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