Hi all,
I was wondering whether anyone has had any experience running postgresql
in a vm under ESx. VMware provides significant HA/DR oppurtunities and
we would like to use it if we can. The DBase would be on a EMC SAN
hosted LUN and the ESx servers would be dual Quad CPU HP DL-380/G5s. At
this stage we would use iSCSI for SAN connectivity as our testing with
MS-SQL has not indicated that FC is needed.
We are getting a bit of push back from the external support agency who
seem more than a little bit nervous about the environment. I would
appreciate any comments.
Glen and Rosanne Eustace
GodZone Internet Services, a division of AGRE Enterprises Ltd.
P.O. Box 8020, Palmerston North, New Zealand 4446.
Ph: +64 6 357 8168, Fax +64 6 357 8165, Mob: +64 21 424 015
"A Ministry specialising in providing low-cost Internet Services
to NZ Christian Churches, Ministries and Organisations."
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