On Fri, 15 Sep 2000, Tim Kientzle wrote:

> The Statement variable here CANNOT be a class
> variable unless you're taking other steps to
> synchronize access.  Otherwise, you risk having
> two different threads trying to manipulate the
> same statement object at the same time.
OK, I followed your hint and made statement and resultset local
in all methods.
> The Connection object is what holds the connection
> to the database.  Whether or not that can safely
> be class scope depends on your particular JDBC driver
> and how you're using it.  This might work.
Hmm, I'm using the driver shipped with Debian which is from 

What about this?  Would it work.  Would anybody recommend the
driver from   http://www.retep.org.uk/postgres/ ?

> If you're not using auto-commit, this won't work,
> since each connection is a single transaction
> environment, and you'll have multiple transactions
> interfering with one another.
Could you explain this a little bit more detailed for a beginner
or is there any information source about this topic?
> Another ugly problem you'll encounter:  many database
> servers don't like long-lived connections, and will
> spontaneously drop them after a few hours.  At the very
> least, you should timestamp when you opened the connection
> (long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();)
> and close/reopen it every 30 minutes or so.  Also,
> you'll want to be sure to ping the connection regularly
> in case something goes down (like a bad network cable).
You speak about "many database servers".  What about PostgreSQL?
> If you have a relatively low-traffic site, opening
> one new connection for each request is not a real
> problem.  I've measured connection opens at around 0.1-0.2
> seconds on local MySQL and networked Oracle, which isn't at
> all prohibitive for a lot of applications.  Plus, that
> approach is easy to understand and very reliable.
I think in my case it would be best to hold the connection open
while performing the about 10 requests of the servlet which are
necessary to build my web-pages.
> If you have a higher-traffic site, look into connection
> pooling.  A good connection pool will cycle the connections,
> open more if you need them, and can deal with a lot of other
> issues as well.
Speaking about connection pooling I considered another problem:
I'm using JServ and it seems to try to open more than one connection
to the PostgreSQL server.  Formerly I used MS SQL server and there
where 5 open connections per servlet.
How do I check the open connections of a servlet to the PostgreSQL
server?  How do I enforce connection pooling?

Kind regards


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