Eric Jain wrote: > > I came across some PL/pgSQL procedures for doing batch GRANTs, but > they appear to be outdated (i.e. don't work with 8.3) and are "run at > your own risk". There was also mention that pgAdmin had a function to > batch GRANTs, but I couldn't find any such thing in the current > version...
Must be pretty old if they don't work in 8.3. I've attached code for a plpgsql exec_all function that matches table-names etc per schema. Should be obvious enough how to wrap it for a grant_all or revoke_all function. It assumes you've got a "util" schema to put it in. -- Richard Huxton Archonet Ltd
-- -- This code is being placed in the public domain - R.Huxton 2008 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION util.exec_all(objtype name, schname name, objname name, cmd text) RETURNS text AS $$ DECLARE obj_qry TEXT := ''; r RECORD; sql TEXT; out TEXT; BEGIN out := cmd || ': '; -- Tables includes views IF objtype = 'tables' THEN obj_qry := $a$SELECT table_name AS nm FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema=$a$ || quote_literal(schname) || $a$ AND table_name LIKE $a$ || quote_literal(objname); ELSIF objtype = 'tables-base' THEN obj_qry := $a$SELECT table_name AS nm FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_type='BASE TABLE' AND table_schema=$a$ || quote_literal(schname) || $a$ AND table_name LIKE $a$ || quote_literal(objname); ELSIF objtype = 'views' THEN obj_qry := $a$SELECT table_name AS nm FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_type='VIEW' AND table_schema=$a$ || quote_literal(schname) || $a$ AND table_name LIKE $a$ || quote_literal(objname); ELSIF objtype = 'sequences' THEN obj_qry := $a$SELECT sequence_name AS nm FROM information_schema.sequences WHERE sequence_schema=$a$ || quote_literal(schname) || $a$ AND sequence_name LIKE $a$ || quote_literal(objname); END IF; FOR r IN EXECUTE obj_qry LOOP sql := regexp_replace( cmd, E'\\?\\?', quote_ident(r.nm), 'g' ); sql := regexp_replace( sql, E'\\?', quote_ident(schname) || '.' || quote_ident(r.nm), 'g' ); EXECUTE sql; out := out || r.nm || ' '; END LOOP; RETURN out; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; COMMENT ON FUNCTION util.exec_all(name,name,name,text) IS $$ util.exec_all(OBJECT-TYPE, SCHEMA, OBJECT-NAME, COMMAND-TEXT) Runs COMMAND-TEXT over the database objects matched by the wildcarded pattern in OBJECT-NAME. OBJECT-TYPE: tables | tables-base | views | sequences SCHEMA: name of a single schema OBJECT-NAME: wildcarded name (e.g. 'sales_%') COMMAND-TEXT: SQL statement(s) to execute, with object-names replaced by '?' or '??' ?? is replaced by the object-name ? is replaced by the full <schema-name>.<object-name> EXAMPLE ======= util.exec_all('tables', 'reports', '%', 'GRANT SELECT ON ? TO someuser'); $$;
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