Teodor Sigaev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> We could extend IndexBuildHeapScan's API to support that, but I'm
>> not quite convinced that this is the issue.

> That extension might be useful for bitmap index too to simplify index 
> creation 
> process.

Maybe, but in any case the measurable GIN speed penalty justifies
changing it; I've applied a patch for that.  I'm still not quite
convinced that Ivan isn't seeing some other issue though.

In the meantime, I noticed something odd while experimenting with your
test case: when running with default maintenance_work_mem = 16MB,
there is a slowdown of 3x or 4x for the un-ordered case, just as you
say.  But at maintenance_work_mem = 200MB I see very little difference.
This doesn't make sense to me --- it seems like a larger workspace
should result in more difference because of greater chance to dump a
lot of tuples into the index at once.  Do you know why that's happening?

                        regards, tom lane

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