Hello Thomas,

nice tool!

Thanks for your help... For batch and automation purposes, I've done a small script... (check out my last post in the thread few minutes ago)

Bruno Lavoie

Thomas Kellerer a écrit :
Bruno Lavoie, 07.11.2008 19:20:

The intent is to use pdftotext and store the resulting text in datbase for full text search purposes... I'm trying to develop a mini content server where I'll put pdf documents to make it searchable.

Generally, PDFs are in size of 500 to 3000 pages resulting in text from 500kb to 2megabytes...

I'm also looking at open source projects like Alfresco if it can serve with ease to my purpose... Anyone use this one? Comments are welcome.

If you are not bound to "native" Postgres tools, you might want to take a look at my SQL Workbench/J (http://www.sql-workbench.net)

It can insert the contents of files (located on the client) into tables. You can either do this using an extended SQL syntax: UPDATE pdf_table SET text_content = {$clobfile=c:/temp/convertet.txt encoding=utf8}
WHERE id = 42;

(of course this statement can not be run with psql)

You could also bulk-upload several files at one using my flat-file import.

Assuming the table has two columns (id, text_content), the flat file would look like this:


and the import would store the content of the files not the literl 'content_1.txt' in the column text_content.

You can either insert or update the content, depending on your needs. You could even store the orginal pdf file if the table contains a bytea column for the blob data.

Contact me offline (contact information on my homepage) if you need help.


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