On Thu, 2008-11-06 at 00:27 +0100, Ivan Voras wrote:
> Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> > Craig Ringer wrote:
> >> So - it's potentially even worth compressing the wire protocol for use
> >> on a 100 megabit LAN if a lightweight scheme like LZO can be used.

Yes compressing the wire protocol is a benefit. You can troll the
archives for when this has come up in the past. CMD at one time had a
hacked up version that proved compression was a benefit (even at 100Mb).
Alas it was ugly, :P... If it was done right, it would be a great
benefit to folks out there.

Joshua D. Drake

> > 
> > LZO is under the GPL though.
> But liblzf is BSD-style.
> http://www.goof.com/pcg/marc/liblzf.html

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