The 'real' problem was the database had not been re-indexed in a long while (it is a test system). After re-indexing the db, the query below ran fairly quicky:

metadata=# SELECT * FROM viewspace.siap AS t WHERE
t."startDate"='2008-10-27%' AND t.prop_id LIKE '%' LIMIT 1000;

The 'startDate' is a timestamp. I was just questioning the use of the '=' operator with '%' instead of LIKE. I would have expected the '=' to take the '%' as a literal.

Thanks Tom, Klint and Scott. I learned some debugging tips from this post.


Tom Lane wrote:
Klint Gore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Surprisingly, '2008-10-27%' casts to a date in 8.3.3.

Yeah, the datetime input code is pretty willing to overlook unexpected
punctuation.  There are enough odd formats out there that I'm not sure
tightening it up would be a good idea.

                        regards, tom lane

Irene Barg                    Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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