One of the tables we're using in the 8.1.3 setups currently running
includes phone numbers as a searchable field (fti_phone), with the
results of a select on the field generally looking like this: 'MMM':2
'NNNN':3 'MMM-NNNN':1. MMM is the first three digits, NNNN is the
The weird part is this: On the old systems running 8.1.3, I can look up
a record by
fti_phone using any of the three above items; first three, last four, or
entire number including dash. On the new system running 8.3.1, I can do
a lookup by the first three or the last four and get the results I'm
after, but any attempt to do a lookup by the entire MMM-NNNN version
returns no records.
Parser was changed:
postgres=# select * from ts_debug('123-4567');
alias | description | token | dictionaries | dictionary | lexemes
uint | Unsigned integer | 123 | {simple} | simple | {123}
int | Signed integer | -4567 | {simple} | simple | {-4567}
(2 rows)
postgres=# select * from ts_debug('abc-defj');
alias | description | token | dictionaries
| dictionary | lexemes
asciihword | Hyphenated word, all ASCII | abc-defj | {english_stem}
| english_stem | {abc-defj}
hword_asciipart | Hyphenated word part, all ASCII | abc | {english_stem}
| english_stem | {abc}
blank | Space symbols | - | {}
| |
hword_asciipart | Hyphenated word part, all ASCII | defj | {english_stem}
| english_stem | {defj}
Parser in 8.1 threats any [alnum]+-[alnum]+ as a hyphenated word, but 8.3 treats
[digit]+-[digit]+ as two separated numbers.
So, you can play around pre-process texts before indexing or have a look on
regex dictionary (
Teodor Sigaev E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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