Hi All,

I am trying to build the uuid-ossp contrib module for PostgreSQL 8.3.4.
I am building on Solaris x86 with Sun Studio 12.

I built the ossp-uuid version 1.6.2 libraries and installed them,
however, whenever I attempt to build the contrib module I always end up
with the following error:

+ cd contrib
+ cd uuid-ossp
+ make all
sed 's,MODULE_PATHNAME,$libdir/uuid-ossp,g' uuid-ossp.sql.in >uuid-ossp.sql
/usr/bin/cc -Xa -I/usr/sfw/include -KPIC -I. -I../../src/include
-I/usr/sfw/include   -c -o uuid-ossp.o uuid-ossp.c
"uuid-ossp.c", line 29: #error: OSSP uuid.h not found
cc: acomp failed for uuid-ossp.c
make: *** [uuid-ossp.o] Error 2

I have the ossp uuid libraries and headers in the standar locations
(/usr/include, /usr/lib) but the checks within the contrib module dont
appear to find the ossp uuid headers I have installed.

Am I mising something here, or could the #ifdefs have something to do
with it not picking up the newer ossp uuid defnitions?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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