André Volpato escreveu:
10. Same error
# psql matriz
psql: FATAL: could not read block 0 of relation 1664/0/2676: read only 0 of 8192 bytes

Right now this is the message I got every time I try to connect, even in single mode.
We tried to fsck the raid partition, but with no luck.

Hope there is something else I can do...

Digging a little bit more, I found that global/2676 has zero bytes, so we restore global/ from backup. Now the only databases we can log in the ones wich hasn´t been vacuumed regulary, e.g. "postgres":

$ psql matriz
psql: FATAL:  cache lookup failed for database 87421438
$ psql volpato
psql: FATAL:  cache lookup failed for database 94680947
$ psql postgres
# \d
            List of relations
Schema |      Name      | Type |  Owner
public | pg_buffercache | view | postgres

Not sure if pg_buffercache should be there anyway ...



[]´s, ACV

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