Il Wednesday 15 October 2008 17:55:03 Tom Lane ha scritto:
> "Richard Broersma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > For this reason, clients passing natural joins to the server can have
> > dangerous result sets returned with no warning.
> Yeah.  A lot of people consider that NATURAL JOIN is simply a bad idea
> and shouldn't be used ever --- it's too easy to shoot yourself in the
> foot with a careless column addition or rename.  Explicitly spelling out
> the join columns with ON or USING is a lot less prone to silent breakage
> after a schema change.
>                       regards, tom lane

Both are perfectly right, indeed.
Nonetheless, in my opinion a NATURAL JOIN  exploiting the FKs
instead of the column names would be much more helpful and much less error

As far as I know there is no way to exploit FKs in JOINs, right?


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