On 14/10/2008, at 20.23, Daniel Verite wrote:
What I've noticed on drupal-6.4 with Ubuntu 8.04 is that the default postgresql.conf has:ssl=trueand since drupal doesn't allow connecting to pgsql with unix socket paths [1], what you get by default is probably TCP + SSL encryption. A crude test that just connects and disconnect to a local pg server appears to me to be 18 times faster when SSL is off. So you might want to check if setting ssl to false makes a difference for your test.
Ouch, there's a gotcha. So enabling SSL gives you SSL connections by default, even for localhost? That’s… unexpected.
[1] A patch has been posted here: http://drupal.org/node/26836 , but it seems to have gotten nowhere. The comments about pg_connect() are depressingly lame, apparently nobody had a clue how unix socket files should be specified, including the contributor of the patch!
Well, I suppose no one thought about looking at a specific path instead of just the default location. That's what we do for MySQL as well. I suppose that is a bit silly, but that, too, is going away in Drupal 7 (and I won't miss it). It will do the Drupal project a lot of good not having to maintain its own database abstraction system.
I'm going to run the test again without SSL to see how much difference it does. Thanks for the tip.
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