2008/10/14 Merlin Moncure <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 3:56 PM, Vladimir Dzhuvinov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi Merlin,
>>> Stored procedure support is a pretty complicated feature.  They differ
>>> with functions in two major areas:
>>> *) input/output syntax.  this is what you are dealing with
>>> *) manual transaction management.  stored procedures should allow you
>>> emit 'BEGIN/COMMIT' and do things like vacuum.
>>> IIRC, I don't think there was a consensus on the second point or if it
>>> was ok to implement the syntax issues without worrying about
>>> transactions.
>> I understand the situation, that a range of facets such as syntax, SP
>> i/o and the overall fit of SPs into the architecture of PG should be
>> considered. What do the Postgres gurus say about stored procedures?
> Not too much, there hasn't been a huge emphasis on getting them
> because we already have functions which are extremely powerful.

I like this functionality - but simply I am wating and searching
sponsoring. It's about 2 months of work.

>> My SQL experience is rather limited, but I've got the impression that
>> every RDBMS has got its own philosophy about matters relational and I
>> expect Posgresql to be no different. So probably an improvised hack
>> wouldn't be of much use here and things should be thought over.
> Using temp tables inside a function isn't hacky.  It was just awkward
> in older versions of postgresql because of limitations of the
> postgresql engine.

with some bad impacts - creating and dropping every temp table means
system tables modifications. Intensivelly using of temp tables needs
intensive vacuum of system tables and hash significant negative

>> Anyway, at this point I'm finished with my evaluation of Postgresql. The
>> MySQL solution which I've got now works reasonably well. It's just that
>> at this moment my investment into MySQL is still relatively small and I
>> wanted to check my options before I dig myself too deeply into MySQL to
>> make a potential sensible migration too expensive :)

if you started on MSSQL server, then MySQL is maybe better for you.
Lot of knowleages should be same. PostgreSQL is much more near Oracle
or DB2, that multirecordset (if I have good knowleadges) do via

> If you are the type of programmer that likes to use the database as an
> engine to make your application development easier, you will
> eventually regret your decision.

It's true - PostgreSQL doesn't support some important  features about
transactions - explicit controling of transactions, autonomous
transactions, ... I hope so this functionality will be implemented in
some days.

Pavel Stehule

> merlin
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