Dear All, I have just started experimenting with PGSQL, with a view to migrate from the SQL server I use currently. I am trying to implement an "intelligent" Chart of Accounts for an accounting program. The following is long-winded but please bear with me:
I have a table coa (chart of accounts) with the following schema CREATE TABLE coa( coa_id serial not null, parent_id int not null default 0, account_name text not null, amt money default 0, primary key(coa_id) ); After populating the database with basic accounts it resembles this (the hierarchy is mine): coa_id, parent_id, account_name, amt 0, -1, 'Chart of Accounts', 0.00 1, 0, 'Assets', 0.00 5, 1, 'Fixed Assets', 0.00 6, 5, 'Motor Van', 0.00 --truncated --- 2, 0, 'Liabilities', 0.00 3, 0, 'Income', 0.00 4, 0, 'Expenses', 0.00 So far, so good. I would like it so that if the amt of a a child account changes, the parent account is updated, if a child account is deleted, the amount is reduced off of the parent account etc. I have managed to achieve this using the following trigger functions: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.coa_del_amt() RETURNS trigger AS $body$ begin update coa set amt = amt - old.amt where coa_id = old.parent_id; return old; end; $body$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' ------------------ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.coa_ins_amt() RETURNS trigger AS $body$ begin UPDATE coa SET amt = amt + new.amt WHERE coa_id = new.parent_id; return new; end; $body$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' ------------ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.coa_upd_amt() RETURNS trigger AS $body$ begin IF new.parent_id = old.parent_id THEN UPDATE coa SET amt = amt + (new.amt - old.amt) WHERE coa_id = new.parent_id; ELSE UPDATE coa SET amt = amt - old.amt WHERE parent_id = old.parent_id; UPDATE coa SET amt = amt + new.amt WHERE parent_id = new.parent_id; END IF; RETURN new; end; $body$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' ------------ These have been bound to the respective ROW before triggers. And they work as expected upto a certain extent. eg assigning a value to 'Motor Van' updates the relevant parent accounts: UPDATE coa SET amt = 4000 WHERE coa_id = 6; The problem comes about when one wants to change the parent account for a sub account eg, assuming in the example above that 'Motor Van' was a liability, attempting to change its parent_id from 1 to 2 is erronous and somewhat interesting because the amt for all related accounts are reset to unpredictible values, AND the parent_id does not change anyway. The problem lies squarely in the function coa_upd_amt(). Any ideas. Thank you. -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription: