Normunds wrote:
> Hi all,
> how can I write function which takes text from one field, replaces
> some characters and puts it in other field? I have array with old and
> new values.
> For example:
> old array = {'r', 'Z', 'o'}
> new array = {'s', 'm', 't'}
> old field value = 'Zorro'
> new field value which must calculate this function = 'mtsst'
> This function will be used in update trigger.
> Any ideas?

    Tcl  has  a  "map" functionality as subcommand of "string". I
    think it appeared in version 8.1.  To use the example  below,
    your  Tcl  installation  must be 8.1 or newer when rebuilding
    PostgreSQL configured with  "--with-tcl"  and  enable  PL/Tcl
    with "createlang".

      CREATE FUNCTION string_map(text, text) RETURNS text AS '
          return [string map $2 $1]
      ' LANGUAGE 'pltcl';
      SELECT string_map('Zorro', 'r s Z m o t');
      (1 row)

    As  you  see,  the old and new arrays are both coded into the
    second argument. It is a key, value pair list, with usual Tcl
    quoting for lists. Can you convert your arrays to that?



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