Markus Wanner schrieb am Donnerstag, den 09. Oktober 2008:

> Hi,
> Martin Pitt wrote:
> > That's in fact the option I have most trouble with. Reason is that
> > major upstream releases are roughly maintained for five years. All
> > packages in Lenny main will be supported for Lenny's lifetime, which
> > is in the order of 4 years (time to release plus, say, 3 years until
> > the next Debian release comes out, plus one year of "oldstable"
> > security/bug fix support).
> Understood.
> > However, postgresql-8.2 is already a little less than 2 years old,
> > which means that we will need to backport patches in Debian for over a
> > year. I think it will just barely work with supporting 8.1 in Etch and
> > 8.3 in Lenny, but 8.2 will mean trouble. That's the primary reason
> > why I only want to support the latest version in a stable release. I
> > just can't commit to doing all that backporting work myself.
> I didn't mean to put more work on your shoulders. Quite the opposite, in
> fact.
> > So a compromise I can live with is to put it back into unstable (or
> > even just experimental), but never let it propagate to testing. Then
> > can do mechanized backports of updates without being
mechanized? No. 
Only if they are tested carefully. And I still don't like this. 

Alexander Wirt, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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