Tom Lane wrote:
> libreadline depends on libtermcap in RHEL-5, but so far as I can see
> this dependency is explicit in the RPM, so it shouldn't have been
> possible to not install termcap.  (However, I'm not sure just how bright
> the dependency solver was in RHEL-5 ... maybe it let you install a
> 64-bit readline but only the 32-bit version of termcap?)

I suspected something like that after the results of a Google
search (before posting here) --- I tried termcap-devel, and it
tells me that there's no such package;  then I noticed that
there is the package termcap, and also libtermcap, with the
accompanying libtermcap-devel.

Turns out that, as Greg pointed out, it was the missing

Strangely enough, the little dummy test program still reports
the exact same errors when compiling with -lreadline.   But
PostgreSQL's configure script now runs successfully!

Thanks, and thanks Greg for the valuable tip !


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