am  Thu, dem 02.10.2008, um 15:35:44 +0200 mailte Tim Semmelhaack folgendes:
> Hello,
> I have to import a huge number of data sets of data sets with "Copy from".
> The numbers are formatted with decimal comma ',' (as usual in Germany)
> instead of the decimal point '.'
> When I try to import this data Postgres crashes, so I think I have to

PostgreSQL crashed? I disbelieve this, you got an error, right?

> change a parameter with SET? Does anybody know which parameter I have
> to change?

There isn't such a parameter. Change your data, change the ',' to '.'.
Or load the data into a temp. table as text and use build-in-functions to
convert this text to numeric and fill your destination table.

I would use sed or such tools.

Andreas Kretschmer
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