It is strange?_?
pg_config.h and pg_config_os.h must be copied as below.
C:\MinGW\home\HIROSHI\postgresql-8.3.3\src\interfaces\libpq>nmake -f win32.mak
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 8.00.50727.42
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Building the Win32 static library...
copy ..\..\include\pg_config.h.win32 ..\..\include\pg_config.h
1 file(s) copied.
echo #define SYSCONFDIR "" > pg_config_paths.h
copy ..\..\include\port\win32.h ..\..\include\pg_config_os.h
1 file(s) copied.
Please delete following two files before compile.
del ..\..\include\pg_config.h ..\..\include\pg_config_os.h
----- Original Message -----
From: Roshni Mani
To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 3:13 PM
Subject: [GENERAL] error compiling postgres source
Hi ,
Can somebody tell me the solution for this.i tried compiling postgres as follows in
vs2005 .its giving the following errors
E:\postgresql-8.3.1\src\interfaces\libpq>nmake /f win32.mak
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 8.00.50727.42
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Building the Win32 static library...
Using default OpenSSL Include directory: C:\OpenSSL\include
Using default OpenSSL Library directory: C:\OpenSSL\lib\VC
Using default Kerberos Include directory: C:\kfw-2.6.5\inc
Using default Kerberos Library directory: C:\kfw-2.6.5\lib\i386
cl.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\roma\LOCALS~1\Temp\nm3E.tmp
..\..\include\libpq/pqcomm.h(64) : error C2079: 'addr' uses undefined struct
..\..\port\getaddrinfo.c(144) : error C2079: 'hints' uses undefined struct
..\..\port\getaddrinfo.c(159) : error C2224: left of '.ai_family' must have struct/union
..\..\port\getaddrinfo.c(160) : error C2224: left of '.ai_socktype' must have struct/union
..\..\port\getaddrinfo.c(165) : error C2224: left of '.ai_family' must have struct/union
..\..\port\getaddrinfo.c(165) : error C2224: left of '.ai_family' must have struct/union
..\..\port\getaddrinfo.c(168) : error C2224: left of '.ai_socktype' must have struct/union
..\..\port\getaddrinfo.c(169) : error C2224: left of '.ai_socktype' must have struct/union
..\..\port\getaddrinfo.c(182) : error C2224: left of '.ai_flags' must have
struct/union type
..\..\port\getaddrinfo.c(223) : error C2224: left of '.ai_flags' must have
struct/union type
..\..\port\getaddrinfo.c(236) : error C2027: use of undefined type 'addrinfo'
..\..\include\getaddrinfo.h(153) : see declaration of 'addrinfo'
..\..\port\getaddrinfo.c(249) : error C2037: left of 'ai_flags' specifies undefined
struct/union 'addrinfo'
..\..\port\getaddrinfo.c(250) : error C2037: left of 'ai_family' specifies undefined
struct/union 'addrinfo'
..\..\port\getaddrinfo.c(251) : error C2037: left of 'ai_socktype' specifies undefined
struct/union 'addrinfo'
..\..\port\getaddrinfo.c(251) : error C2224: left of '.ai_socktype' must have struct/union
..\..\port\getaddrinfo.c(252) : error C2037: left of 'ai_protocol' specifies undefined
struct/union 'addrinfo'
..\..\port\getaddrinfo.c(252) : error C2224: left of '.ai_protocol' must have struct/union
..\..\port\getaddrinfo.c(253) : error C2037: left of 'ai_addrlen' specifies undefined
struct/union 'addrinfo'
..\..\port\getaddrinfo.c(254) : error C2037: left of 'ai_addr' specifies undefined
struct/union 'addrinfo'
..\..\port\getaddrinfo.c(255) : error C2037: left of 'ai_canonname' specifies undefined
struct/union 'addrinfo'
..\..\port\getaddrinfo.c(256) : error C2037: left of 'ai_next' specifies undefined
struct/union 'addrinfo'
..\..\port\getaddrinfo.c(282) : error C2037: left of 'ai_addr' specifies undefined
struct/union 'addrinfo'
..\..\port\getaddrinfo.c(283) : error C2037: left of 'ai_addr' specifies undefined
struct/union 'addrinfo'
..\..\port\getaddrinfo.c(283) : error C2198: 'free' : too few arguments for call
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\BIN\cl.exe"' :
return code '0x2'
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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