Jörn Heid wrote:
Thanks Ashesh for your answer.
I will try to do so although I first have to install VC (or can I just
use the directories from WinSxS?). Is there another possibility
without setting an environment variable? Think of the simplest
distribution of just copying files (e.g. to a USB stick) and
"pg_ctrl.exe start" will work out of the box...
I thought - you have built the binaries from sources. So, I was talking
about VC installation.
My solution should work perfectly, when you have built the binaries from
sources using Visual Studio.
Redistribution (copying) of these binaries should work anywhere. (You
may need to add dependent dll(s) in the distribution package. i.e. ssl,
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
Ashesh D Vashi schrieb:
Jörn Heid wrote:
I want to use Postgres without installation. The problem is the
dependencies on the Visual C dll (msvcrt).
As far as I know it would be possible to include a manifest file
(only for libpq.dll?) and bundle the dlls from c:\windows\WinSxS
into the bin directory of Postgres.
Is this correct? Does anybody have (tested) such a manifest file?
You just need to copy the contents of the redist/x86 under the
%VCINSTALLDIR% in your distribution directory, where all
dlls/executables are present.
VCINSTALLDIR should be similar to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio 8\VC, depending on your Visual Studio Installation.
This directory contains:
* Microsoft.VCxx.CRT
* Microsoft.VCxx.ATL
..., etc
No need to copy the c:\windows\WinSxS contents.
Hope this should solve your problem.
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