
Running this query:

        critik=# select distinct pt.type_fr,sum(e2.id_event) from person_type 
pt natural join person_to_event join event e using (id_event) LEFT JOIN event 
e2 ON e.id_event = e2.id_event AND e2.id_event=219 join event_type et ON 
e.id_event_type = et.id_event_type where et.type_fr='théâtre' GROUP BY 
pt.type_fr IS NULL;

gives this error:

        ERROR:  column "pt.type_fr" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be 
used in an aggregate function

But pt.type_fr is _already_ in the group by.

When adding e2.id_event however ("GROUP BY pt.type_fr,e2.id_event") it works.

Did I miss something there?

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