On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 9:21 AM, Mohd Fahadullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> This might be a very small problem but I am stuck. When I try to install
> postgresql server 8.3.3 on freebsd using ports, I am getting -
>  "postgresql-server-8.3.3 cannot install: unknown PostgreSQL version: 83"
> I was able to install client. This has something to do with pgsql_ver.
> What's wrong here?
> Thanks


update your ports tree (cvsup/portsnap) and try again.
If not working, show your /etc/make.conf

p.s. this is FreeBSD specific question and should go to freebsd-questions@

Artis Caune

<----. CCNA
<----' didii FreeBSD

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