-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: William Garrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I am looking for records with duplicate keys, so I am running this query:
>     fileid, COUNT(*)
>     file
>     fileid
>     COUNT(*)>1
> The table has an index on fileid (non-unique index) so I am surprised 
> that postgres is doing a table scan.  This database is >15GB, and there 
> are a number of fairly large string columns in the table.  I am very 
> surprised that scanning the index is not faster than scanning the 
> table.  Any thoughts on that?  Is scanning the table faster than 
> scanning the index?  Is there a reason that it needs anything other than 
> the index?

I may be missing something, but it would have to scan the entire table to get 
all the occurrences of each fileid in order to do the count(*).

Adrian Klaver

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