
Thank you very much for answering these various questions.

I guess the compressed format is the best overall solution, except for roles. I 
find myself having a table with other information about users (application 
specific user type, etc) so perhaps the thing to do is record enough 
information there to reconstruct the roles should that become necessary.

Can pg_dump dump roles to plain text? How does pg_dumpall do it, doesn't it do 
everything via pg_dump?


On Mon, 25 Aug 2008 10:47:11 -0700, Joshua Drake wrote:

>On Mon, 25 Aug 2008 13:37:13 -0400
>"John T. Dow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Joshua
>> The TOC feature sounds good, as does converting a single table to
>> plain text.
>> But I can't find documentation for the TOC feature under pg_dump or
>> pg_restore. I'm looking in postgresql-8.2.1-US.pdf.
>The commands you are looking for are:
>pg_restore -l to get the toc
>pg_restore -L to use the toc
>If you open the resulting file from something like pg_restore -l >
>foo.toc it is just a plain text list of objects to restore.
>I don't know how well it is documented but I am sure we would accept a
>> Neither could I see anything about converting a single table to a
>> plain text dump.
>pg_restore allows you to do so. Something like:
>pg_restore foo.sqlc --file=foo.sql
>> Also, I stumbled across the statement that you can't restore large
>> objects for a single table. Is that true?
>Large objects are stored in a central table called pg_largeobject, so
>yes that would be accuarate.
>> Another thing I couldn't find was how to dump roles using -Fc.
>You can't; that is a known and irritating limitation.
>Joshua D. Drake
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