Hi -

My understanding is that PG will use an index on the referring side of a foreign key for FK checks. How can I tell whether it's doing that? EXPLAIN ANALYZE just shows something like this:

=> explain analyze delete from segments where segmentid = 24305259;
                                                       QUERY PLAN
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- Index Scan using segments_pkey on segments (cost=0.00..10.46 rows=1 width=6) (actual time=0.243..0.248 rows=1 loops=1)
   Index Cond: (segmentid = 24305259)
 Trigger for constraint $1: time=0.344 calls=1
 Trigger for constraint $2: time=0.180 calls=1
 Trigger for constraint $1: time=0.325 calls=1
Trigger for constraint tokenizedsegments_segmentid_fkey: time=16910.357 calls=1
 Total runtime: 16911.712 ms

tokenizedSegments.segmentID has an FK reference to segments.segmentID, and there is an index (not UNIQUE) on the referring column, but the extreme sloth of that last trigger suggests it is not using it. Deferring doesn't matter (perhaps not surprising on one delete).

How can I tell what the trigger is doing? I'm using 8.2.5 and I've ANALYZED everything.


- John D. Burger

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