Shane Ambler wrote:

Is the otool program on your system anywhere? Afaik, it should be on
any Mac, but maybe it's part of xcode (i hope not- can anyone

I have a few installs here.

now that I think about it - it may be a dev tools only thing.

otool is included inside /Developer/usr/bin
my working 10.4 that the dev tools is installed on also includes otool at /usr/bin

This has been running for a few years so otool at /usr/bin may have come from anywhere.

A minimal 10.3 install has otool at /usr/bin

I have two 10.3 systems here the one that has otool is an emergency boot setup by TechTool Pro. A normal 10.3 install does not have otool.

A clean 10.5 install does not have otool


Shane Ambler
pgSQL (at) Sheeky (dot) Biz

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