am  Wed, dem 23.07.2008, um 19:18:15 +0930 mailte admin folgendes:
> 1. Is a SEQUENCE what I use instead of auto_increment?


> 2. Does this work in PostgreSQL:
> INSERT INTO table VALUES ('x','y','z')
> or do I need to do this
> INSERT INTO table (fld_x,fld_y,fld_z) VALUES ('x','y','z')

Both worked, but it is better to list the columns. If you change later
the table-design, the first (without column-list) insert fails.

> ?
> 3. Does this work in PostgreSQL:
> INSERT INTO table VALUES ('','y','z')
> where the empty first item is intended for an auto_increment/SEQUENCE id 
> field?
> If not, what is an alternative?

Use 'default' instead (without the ') or omit this column in the

HTH, Andreas
Andreas Kretschmer
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