
my advice is little bit offtopic, I am sorry. Why you use correlated
subquery? Your update statement should be

update _struct set left_token = tmp.left_token from tmp where
_struct.id = tmp.id;

send output of explain analyze statement, please. etc
explain analyze UPDATE _struct SET left_token = (SELECT DISTINCT
left_token FROM tmp WHERE _struct.id = tmp.id)

Pavel Stehule

2008/7/16 Viktor Rosenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi Tom,
> Postgres is indeed selecting a bad plan.  Turns out that the index I created
> to speed up the UPDATE isn't used inside a transaction block.
> Here's the plan for "UPDATE _struct SET left_token = (SELECT DISTINCT
> left_token FROM tmp WHERE _struct.id = tmp.id)" outside of a transaction:
>                                         QUERY PLAN
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Seq Scan on _struct  (cost=0.00..826643.13 rows=98149 width=1083)
>    SubPlan
>      ->  Unique  (cost=8.38..8.40 rows=1 width=4)
>            ->  Sort  (cost=8.38..8.39 rows=4 width=4)
>                  Sort Key: tmp.left_token
>                  ->  Index Scan using idx_tmp__id on tmp  (cost=0.00..8.34
> rows=4 width=4)
>                        Index Cond: ($0 = id)
> And inside a transaction:
>                                       QUERY PLAN
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Seq Scan on _struct  (cost=100000000.00..3230175260746.00 rows=32300
> width=70)
>    SubPlan
>      ->  Unique  (cost=100002329.99..100002330.01 rows=1 width=4)
>            ->  Sort  (cost=100002329.99..100002330.00 rows=4 width=4)
>                  Sort Key: tmp.left_token
>                  ->  Seq Scan on tmp  (cost=100000000.00..100002329.95
> rows=4 width=4)
>                        Filter: ($0 = id)
> The high cost of the seqscan on tmp are because I tried disabling sequential
> scans inside the transaction to force an index scan, which Postgres decided
> to ignore in this case.
> Putting an ANALYZE tmp and ANALYZE _struct right before the UPDATE didn't
> help either.  (Also shouldn't the creation of an index on tmp (id) take care
> of analyzing that column?)
> Thanks,
> Viktor
> Am 14.07.2008 um 20:52 schrieb Tom Lane:
> Viktor Rosenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> the script below runs very fast when executed alone.  But when I call
> it from within a transaction block it's so slow that I have to abort
> it after a while.  Specifically the second-to-last UPDATE seems to
> take forever within a transaction while it completes in about 3
> seconds outside a transaction.
> Since the table you're working on was just created in the same
> transaction, there's been no opportunity for autovacuum to run an
> ANALYZE on it; that's probably preventing selection of a good plan.
> Try throwing in an "ANALYZE tmp" after you load the table.
> regards, tom lane
> --
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