|> -----Original Message-----
|> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Hendra
|> Sent: 8 juillet 2008 02:59
|> To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
|> Subject: [GENERAL] Hi there, new here and have question
|> Hi Everyone.
|> I'm just subscribe to the mailing list
|> I'm new to Postgresql and
|> I have a question
|> I intend to make a function that returns more than a row
|> I tried something like below
|> create function listofemployeebasedondepartment(id_dept int) $$
|> declare 
|>  resultset ??;
|> begin
|>     select * into resultset from employee where id_dept = id_dept;
|>     return resultset;
|> end
|> $$ language 'plpgsql';
|> I believe you get what I want
|> But I just couldn't finish the code since I miss something
|> I manage to find 'setof' but have no idea on how to use it
|> Any suggestion everyone?
|> Thank you,
|> Regards,
|> Hendra 

I believe you are looking for this:

Good day,

Charles Simard

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